2B: Fill out the back of your government notes chart with this info. Bring ready to turn it in on Tuesday. 

4B: Finish the culture regions map by following the directions below. If you didn't do the Tuesday homework, look back to Tuesday, follow the instructions, and get it in asap!

1. Label the countries on the Europe on the Culture Regions of Europe map

Today we talked about the cultural regions of Europe. Cultural regions are are groups of countries that geographers have categorized together to show which countries are similar when it comes to aspects of culture (like language, religion, etc.)

2. Examine the following thematic maps which each tell about specific aspect of culture in Europe.

3. As you examine each thematic map, make notes on your labeled map, using a different color for each thematic map/slide. (ie. Looking at the religion map, you notice that most of eastern Europe is Eastern Orthodox. So on top of these countries with a colored pencil you would write, "Eastern Orthodox." Then write "Catholic" over the countries that are shown green on the religion map.

4. Follow the directions on the map wkst. 

Turn in: Culture Regions of Europe

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